Fred’s money worries, and some tangential pigs

Fred’s accounts give me the impression that he’s a young man in a protected situation that gives him enough disposable income to fund his pursuits. He’s giving roughly half to his elderly mother – Ann Shepherd – for living at home. He has to look presentable for job as a Trade’s Clerk in the Rail… Continue reading Fred’s money worries, and some tangential pigs

The Diary of Fred Shepherd, aged 19 and a half…

Fred’s entries for the first three days of January 1879 are by far the longest entries he writes, taking up several pages and include lists of resolutions, a passage on personal “stocktaking”, and several tables reviewing his work attendance, study, and a breakdown of his expenditure. (I’ll split this into two posts, or it will get… Continue reading The Diary of Fred Shepherd, aged 19 and a half…